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Software supports multiple images along with captions for each images which can be sent to all the imported numbers with a click of a single button.
Bulksender is great tool for sharing PDF to multiple user.It is the best way to express the thought with an unlimited number of character.
It not only supports the text but also various media files.bulksender Marketing through Audios on mobile is very important for every sector now a days.
Create and send customized messages (with the name of the recipient or other “variables”) directly from your PC.
Import contacts either manually or from file (CSV or TXT).
Send bulksender messages to contacts even if they are not saved in your address book.
Multi Account (Multi Channel) to automatically send messages from different bulksender accounts.
Automatically create multiple variations of the message to send to all contacts and avoid spam or ban.
Ability to see the report of the campaign (from LOG section).
Possibility to schedule the sending and set a delay between the messages to avoid to be banned.
Bulk check of bulksender and non-bulksender phone numbers.
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